Thursday, July 2, 2009


College is a new enviorment for everyone, and everyone has to adapt to that enviorment. Since they are coming from a previous decided discourse, the community they join will have to be applied to their previous discourse or they'll make changes to their discourse so it fits in with the new enviorment. because you may go into college beliveing and soing one thing but your new habitat could change your belifes that you previously had. yet you should be aware of how those changes are affecting you are they affecting you negatively because you changed your sensable values that worked for you into those of your new friends who are up to no good and continuously drag you down. Or positively because maybe you struggled with a certain thing or action in your life but you found a support system that has helped you further yourself and your knowledge. Thats how your secondary discourse whould come in. by you being in your new enviorment you are constantly picking up new habits either good or bad and your applying to your life.
Discourse : ways of being in the world, forms of life which integreate words, acts, values,etc. Power:ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something, or great or marked ability to do or act; strength; might; force. They both have some common words, yet I belive you need one to get to the other. You need your definite discourse to gain power, you need to know who you are and how you want to represent your actoions to the world, especially if you want to have power over others and make them follow as you do. once you have a definite discourse you already have displayed your since of power because you choose your own path. that takes some leadership in its own, to not follow the crowd and not let your previous discourse or the right one you founded for you be swayed by others then you showed you have power over your own life and that to me is the steps to having power. knowing what you belive is right for your life and your discourse will give you definite power over your life and others.


  1. You did a great job. You used a lot of examples in life that many people can relate to, when you were explaining discourse. I agree with you that college will be a new experience but that you have your discourse from the previous times to help you.

  2. Ilike your discourse piece. You have good and serious ideas in there about power and language. Keep that up. Explore it more. Your voice is important.

